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Request a Free Mental Health Screener

Blueprint Mental Health Screeners!

Lartey Wellness Group is excited to announce that we have partnered with Blueprint in order to continue providing the highest quality of care!

Blueprint is a digital service that allows our clients to complete questionnaires and activities related to their mental health in between sessions and on their own time. For example, Blueprint helps our clients track their moods and energy levels each day and provides an opportunity to communicate with their therapist about important symptoms or experiences. By doing so, our clients are able to stay better connected to their therapist and obtain a care experience that is hands-on and interactive – even if meeting virtually via telehealth.

Our therapists use the information from Blueprint to obtain a better understanding of their clients' mental health and wellness. In this way, our therapists are able to make sure that therapy is progressing as expected and that clients are meeting their treatment goals and objectives. If you are interested in learning more about Blueprint and how it can help you improve your overall health and wellness, contact us to schedule an appointment with one of our therapists to learn more.

Frequently Assigned Screeners

Blueprint has over 250 mental health assessments clients can take for a variety of mental health conditions and disorders.
Through the screeners, our clinicians can ascertain the frequency and severity of any mental health symptoms.

Blueprint is a FREE service if you have private insurance or Medicaid. Contact us today to see if you qualify! 


Request a Free Mental Health Screener
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Using Blueprint to Provide Measurement-Based Care

Blueprint provides the data to help us track your progress throughout treatment.
Through this data, we are able to gauge the efficacy of your treatment to ensure you are provided with the most effective care possible.

Contact Us For More Information on Blueprint

Submit the form below or contact us at:
1 (800) 994-5403
[email protected]